Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Rashtrapathi Bhavan; India Gate

Yesterday Usha and I were caught in very heavy rain when we went out to dinner, and of course we had no umbrella,. We've been lucky so far, doding the downpour when it occurs, these days about 9 pm.  So, contrary to our preconceptions. the monsoon so far is not an unpredictable event here in Delhi, The shower occurs every evening, and during the day it's bright and pleaaantly warm. In fact, from what Marty tells e about the heatwave in Savannah, I'd say it's 10 degrees cooler here and considerably less humid! I have to say, if this is at all typical of recent Delhi monsoon weather, I believe this is quite a good time to travel here, certainly in the early part of the season.

Well we are far behind on our blog, primarily because is slooow in uploading photos. So this entry was from about 5 days inot our trip.

Here are photos of the Indian capitol Rashtrapati Bhawan, and opposite from in on the long boulevard, the India Gate:

It was pretty hazy that day from the heat.

We began at the Bhavan end.

Aren't the elephants on the right great?

I think of this area as a gift of majesty to all Indians.

Another view of the capitol on the left.  The lion emblem on left is on the gate.

These wide boulevards are the view from the Bhavan.

You see all classes of people here, for instance this little family on their motorcycle. 

And here are Usha and I, just regular tourists.

Then off we went to the India Gate on the othe side of the great lane.  

This was before the monsoon, so the grass was negligible, but I tell you, people were still out and about, although after the monsoon began and the weather cooled off, it got considerably more crowded in Delhi venues.

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